Minggu, 13 November 2011


     An allergy can happen to you when an ingredient in the cosmetics that you are using does not agree with your skin, causing your skin to become red and sore. Other symptoms may appear, and these symptoms can worsen, which would make it necessary for you to see a doctor about it. These skin allergies can be caused by using a product without testing it, or through the continual use of a product, letting the allergy to develop and erupt over time. Some allergies to products may appear years after you have been using the product safely. 

     Because allergies are caused by ingredients that the product contains, you should always make it a point to read the labels carefully before buying cosmetics. Here are the important terms that you need to recognize when checking labels:
    Alcohol Free. It means that the product you are holding does not contain ethyl alcohol, although other types of alcohol may be present. 
    Expiration Date. The expiration date is the deadline for the product use. It means that the product should be consumed or thrown away before this date. However, the way a product is used may make it expire before the indicated expiration date. 
    Fragrance Free. The product does not have a smell; however, fragrances may have been added to mask the odor of the chemicals the product contains.  
    Hypoallergenic. This is supposed to indicate that the product is less likely to cause an allergic reaction. However, all products, whether hypoallergenic or not, can cause skin problems over time. 
    Natural. Natural means the product is created with ingredients taken from plants or animals. 
    Noncomodogenic. Noncomodogenic cosmetics are products that are not supposed to contain anything that can clog skin pores and cause acne.
     To prevent skin allergies from developing, you should learn to use your makeup and cosmetic products correctly and carefully. Keep your cosmetics tightly-lidded and store them away from the sun. Wash your hands before putting on makeup and do not share your cosmetics with anyone else. Do not put additives like water or saliva to your makeup. If your skin starts breaking out, do not put any makeup on. If the color of the makeup changes or it starts having an odor, it is time to throw them away.

Jumat, 11 November 2011

Because and Because of

{1} Because Of

Because of adalah preposisi  yg bermakna karena (as a result of)
Because of diikuti noun
 e.g :
Because of you, I didnt come yesterday
My plane was delayed because of bad weather

{2} Because

Because adalah conjunction dgn arti karena (for the reason that)
Because  diikuti clause

e.g :
I was late because I had my sister picked up
I tell you because I want you to help us.

Scrapbook Scrapbook Scrapbook

Sejak abad 15 an, scrapbook udah populer di kalangan masyarakat. seiring dengan perkembangan jaman, scrapbook telah mengalami berbagai proses evolusi.

Pengen tau gimana wajah2nya ? simak yukk..

Abad ke 15
kemunculan scrapbook pada abad ke 15 ditandai dgn adanya Commonplace Books di Inggris.
Commonplace Books merupakan buku yg berisi beragam karya sastra berupa sajak, kutipan2, surat2. setiap Commonplace Books mempunyai karakteristik yg berbeda, bergantung pembuatnya.

Abad ke 18
Pada 1775 penulis James Granger mempublikasikan buku sejarah Inggris. Beberapa lembar terakhir di buku itu didesain khusus bagi poemilik, untuk mengisi lembar tsb sesuai dgn keinginannya
Scrapbook yg popouler pada masa itu disimpan oleh Anne Wargner, warga Inggris dgn judul Memorial of Friendship

Abad ke 19
MEMASUKI abad ke 19, desainer scrapbook mengalami prkembangan pesat.
Bentuknya lebih bagus dan berwarna. salah satunya adalah scrapbook bergambar bunga karya S. Lake yg berjudul Marque d'estimate (Tanda Persahabatan).
Selain itu, ada scrapbook karya Elizabeth Venables yg berisi sajak2 persahabatan

Abad ke 20
Desain scrapbook makin variatif. Tak hanya didesain lewat tangan, tetapi melalui komputer juga.
seirig dg meningkatnya teknologi, seniman2 Scrapbook makin kreatif dlm menciptakan Scrapbook. Tak hanya bertemakan persahabatan, isi Scrapbook saat ini juga bertema hal lain, seperti kelouarga dan cinta.

Sabtu, 05 November 2011

Jaringan pada Tumbuhan

1.       EPIDERMIS
> jaringan terluar pada semua organ

FUNGSI : Melindungi semua organ yg ada di dalamnya

-berbentuk persegi panjang
-susunan rapat (tdk ad ruang antar sel)
-tdk mempunyai klorofil

a. stomata 

a.      b.  Bulu/trikomata
b.   c. Lintisel
c.   d. Rambut
d.   e. Spina/duri
e.   f. Kutikula/lapisan lilin
f.    g. Filament

Fungsi : Merupakan  “tempat” dari  jaringan2 lain

{ berbentuk polygon/segi 6
{ susunan tdk rapat/longgar (ada ruang antar sel yg disebut Aerenkimà utk pertukaran udara)
{ ada yang mengandung klorofil (disebut Klorenkim) . eg: Palisade pada daun


Terdiri dari Jaringan Kolenkim dan Parenkim

Sel Penyusun
Sel hidup
Sel mati
Mengalami penebalan pada sudut dinding sel

Penebalan pada seluruh dinding sel

Pada tumbuhan Monokotil : batang berair
Pada Tumb. Dikotil : cabang, tangkai ,daun, tangkai buah

Akar monokotil dan dikotil
Pucuk daun
(Sel Batu)

Tempurung kelapa, biji


Serabut kelapa, kulit kayu, rami, batang tebu&bambu


Terdiri dari Xylem dan Floem

Mengangkut air&garam dari tanah ke tumbuhan
Mengedarkan hasil fotosintesis ke tumbuhan
Sel Penyusun
Sel mati
Sel hidup
Kulit kayu
Unsur Penyusun
·         Trakea/elemen Pembuluh
·         Trakeid
·         serabut Xylem
·         parenkim kayu
·         Buluh/tabung tapis
·         Sel penggiring
·         Serabut floem
·         Parenkim floem
1.       Batang bunga yg direndam dgn air(berwarna merah), maka bunga akan berwarna merah à dari air yg berwarna
2.       Walau kulit terkelupas, ujung batang tumbuhan tetap segar
Pada pohon karet, apabila kulit kayu disayat, maka menghasilkan getah *getah merup. hasil fotosintesis